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Please note that data coverage before 2017-02-15 is incomplete and may provide inconsistent and unreliable results. Caution is advised when performing analysis using data from before this date.

Classification Counts

Date Range
Chart Type

Switch to Comparison View

This page provides plots of vehicle length or "freight" data. A primary purpose of collecting and using vehicle length data is to distinguish freight vehicle traffic from non-freight vehicle traffic. Thus while the data used for the plots on this page is technically called vehicle-length data, we have named this page as the "freight" page.

Data Availability Note: There have been periodic outages of the freight data feed in Fall 2017. In particular, there was an extended outage from Sep 30 - Oct 27.

Two plots are available on the page - the Standard view and Comparison view. These plots were designed to answer the following two tasks a user may want to accomplish.

Task 1: What percent of traffic at a location is freight vs. non-freight? (Standard view)

Task 2: How has the amount / percent of freight traffic at a location changed over time? (Comparison view)

A User Manual for the freight page as well as other related documents are available at the bottom of this page.

The figure below, from the pooled-fund study [1], provides an illustration of the association between vehicle length and vehicle class. The table below lists the class names and is taken from a MAG study [2], which also provides descriptions of the vehicle classes. The vertical red lines in Figure 1 show one potential set of length bins and how those length bins capture different vehicle classes. For example, the “short” bin in this figure will capture all Class 2 vehicles (Passenger Cars), most Class 3 vehicles (Other Two-Axle, Four-Tire Single Unit Vehicles), some Class 5 (Two-Axle, Six-Tire, Single-Unit Trucks) vehicles and a very few Class 6 (Three-Axle Single-Unit Trucks) vehicles.

Class Names and Descriptions from MAG Internal Truck Travel Survey and Truck Model Development Study

Class Description
Class 1 Motorcycle
Class 2 Passenger Cars
Class 3 Other Two-Axle, Four-Tire Single Unit Vehicles
Class 4 Buses
Class 5 Two-Axle, Six-Tire, Single-Unit Trucks
Class 6 Three-Axle Single-Unit Trucks
Class 7 Four or More Axle Single-Unit Trucks
Class 8 Four or Fewer Axle Single-Trailer Trucks
Class 9 Five-Axle Single-Trailer Trucks
Class 10 Six or More Axle Single-Trailer Trucks
Class 11 Five or fewer Axle Multi-Trailer Trucks
Class 12 Six-Axle Multi-Trailer Trucks
Class 13 Seven or More Axle Multi-trailer Trucks
Minnesota Department of Transportation; Research Services. Loop- and Length-Based Vehicle Classification, Federal Highway Administration – Pooled Fund Program. [TPF-5(192)]. Erik Minge, Primary Author. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2012 (Minge_2012_MNDOT_Length-based_Pooledfund.pdf)
MAG Internal Truck Travel Survey and Truck Model Development Study. Appendix A. (https://www.azmag.gov/Documents/TRANS_2011-02-25_Federal-Highway-Administration-Vehicle-Classes-With-Definitions.pdf)